Wednesday, 3 January 2018

9 and a bit months

It's been 9 months and 1 week sinse I became a Mummy (OMG still feels so weird that I am a Mum, I have a real life baby... bloody cray cray) and what an adventure, Rollercoaster, Amazing, exhausting time it has been. 

Freddie amazes us every single day, from crawling at just turned 5 months to pulling himself up onto furniture at 7 ! Now standing unaided (for little amounts of time) running across furniture and having 8 teeth!!! Kid came out teething I swear! He eats anything and everything Olives (That's ma boyyyyyy), sprouts, avacado ... even some NON edible objects *cover eyes monkey face* that I have to pull him away from... wires, baby wipes, top of the radiator, but not toys though... oh no.. he's NOT interested what so ever, so it's reaaalllyyyy handy that he's just got a truckfull for Christmas !!! 'They are so 'newborn entertainment' Mum, I like remote controls and mobile phones and LOVE the fireplace.' Freddos is the cheekiest monkey EVER, the boy understands everything we say, I just know it lol... I change the tone of my voice when he shouldn't be doing something... (If you have me on Instagram you will have heard my Mum voice in my story's!) 'Freddie Nooooooo' and literally he will stop what he's doing look at me and show me his mouth full of teeth with his big smile and flutter his huge blue eyes and I'm just like 'Oh gorgeous little baby boy you carry on, can I get you some chocolate? How about another wire to chew on? Whatever you want it's yours' haha, he just KNOWS that smile
Gets me and I feel like it is going to cause problems later down the line! Lol! 

Up until Freddie turned 5 months and was on the move, I genuinely thought Mum life was a doddle, I couldn't understand when people say how challenging it is or tiring it is, he slept so well, was full of chill, We had to wake him for bottles the 1st month lol! laid still for nappy changes and drunk a full bottle of milk without pushing botbot away & poking his head up like a meer cat at any little noise, howwwwwwww things have changed in just four months, talk about keeping me on my toes and permanent bags under my eyes, not to mention resembling a zombie 7/7 days of the week ,spending my bank balance on dry shampoo oh and then theres all that eating... nothing until about 4pm!! so this is THAT challenging Mum life yeahhh?! I get it now I really bloody do haha! I wouldn't change it for the world though it's bought out a whole other part of me that I never knew I had (living on 23 mins of sleep over 3 days) and it's taught me LOADS! I love my little man with every single bit of love I have and I feel so lucky to watch him grow/change/ develop daily! Being a Mummy is the bloody best! Thank you my little world. Xx