Sunday, 24 September 2017

Labour day

8 days overdue and counting... every flipping second. I swear to god I started to think things like 'Am I actually pregnant?!' 'What if there isn't actually baby in my belly' because by this point I was FED UP (and a little delirious) i'd spent my whole pregnancy fed up, tired, achey, sick & hormonal... I say 'hormonal' I actually mean I was the REAL LIFE Devil, I never even knew myself I had this level of inner CRAZY, one minute I was fine the next I wanted to punch Josh for cutting his toast in rectangles rather than triangles , I even went as far as chucking a plate of chicken across my living room after a slight disagreement with poor Josh ,then I spent the next two days crying at the 'chicken chucking episode' because I was embarrassed by my behaviour and couldn't work out where it was coming from?! I've never been one to suffer with 'hormones' I never get moody or emosh around TOTM or have 'pmt' so these surges of emotion were very new and really getting to me!! 

So back to the point... 8 days over due was... HELL. I'd had a sweep (for those of you who don't know what a sweep is, basically the midwife opens up your cervix with her fingers *insert monkey face with hands over eyes here* not at ALL pleasant)... which done NOTHING, and was due to have one on the 10th day overdue. On the eve of the 8th overdue day, i'd decided enough was enough.. I was getting on my pregnancy ball for the 10 millionth time, (Josh looked at me like 'again...really') and was not getting off until my baby boy was born in that living room... ok a bit dramatic but you get meeee?! I was desperate ok, I had been saying to Josh, I don't care how painful labour is I want the pain to come, (regretted that when contractions got into full swing didn't I hahaha)
40 minutes I done on that ball of the biggest 'circles' (rotate to dilate) you've ever seen, I put every single ounce of effort into it... I looked at the time... gone 10, and said to Josh 'I'm going to bed' obviously the ball hadn't worked... AGAIN, and Had in my head that I would need to be induced, as I got up in a huff I felt these weird pains, ones I hadnt felt before.... 'oooohhh' I thought but instead of getting my self at it like every other time I went to brush my teeth... these pains felt 'different' though and I just knew... I say pains, but they weren't painful just knew they were there. I told Josh 'something was happening' and took myself to bed in a hope that my waters would break through the night. 

5.30am, 9th day over f*cking due... I woke up to daylight and no 'water' BUT those different pains were WORSE omg I was so excited (weirdo) I managed an hour of them and Breathing them out before I woke Josh to tell him! By 12oclock I was in a LOT of pain and the contractions were lasting over a minute and didn't have long in-between, so Josh and I got the notebook out and started timing and recording, they got to the point where I thought 'shit this is gona happen here' so we rang the birthing unit and were asked to come down to be examined. OMG why the hell is the maternity unit at the BACK of the hospital?! Jesus christ, I waddled down the corridors in so much pain, letting out little 'aaahs' every time I had a contraction, one man even looked at me and said 'Are you ok' I wanted to shout in his face 'What does it F*%king look like pal?!?' , anyway... in to the room I went, only to be told I was ONE cm dilated and that they would not keep me in until I was 4... I thought about offering £1000 to just keep me in and get this baby out. The midwife offered me some liquid morphine which I declined (Stupid idiot Louisa) and sent me on my way. 
Back at home things got worse very quick... I was rolling around my bed in pure agony telling Josh I wanted an epidural, Josh sat with me and I remember thinking 'I just cant do this' I was already so tired and worn out how could I carry on if I had to get to 10cm to have my baby and I was in this much pain at just 1cm! Josh ran me a bath and I got in to try and relax, now relax and contractions just don't work together, things were getting unbearable and I felt a slight pushing sensation( I now know this was just pressure), it had only been an hour since I'd been at the hospital so I was just so confused, we called El, my sister in law as she had just had a baby 6 months before and her and Ollie (Josh's bro) came to the rescue with baby Sofia... Elise saw and heard my pain and just knew it was time for me to go back to hospital. 

So the journey to the hospital was eventful to say the least, the 'seating plan' was Ollie driving El sat in the front, Me, Josh in the middle and Sofia the other side of Josh. a few minutes into the journey and I experience the mother of all contractions and am literally clinging onto those handle things above the windows ,not a clue what they are called LOL and I let out a HUGE cry of pain (not actual tears but you know what I mean??) poor Sofs looked at me like "What is Auntie Lou doing in MY car screaming like that" and obv thought to herself "Is that the best you've got?" and started screaming herself, So as you can imagine Josh is in the middle trying to calm two screamers, Ollie completely distracted from the road, El twisted at 180 degrees trying to calm Sofs but with every contraction I have, Sofia gets louder. Eventually we made it.

Round 2, de ja vu waddling through the hospital but this time in so much more pain. The same midwife examined me... and this time I was FOUR cm's I cried tears of happiness that I could stay in hospital and i'd be leaving with my TWO boys! 
I wanted a water Birth so Kerry my midwife, looked at the clock and said its 6pm now, I don't think this baby will be here tonight but probably early hours of tomorrow so we wont move you over to the room just yet and off she toddled to do some paperwork, whilst I was on the bed in my dress high on gas and air... 10 mins after Kerry had left the room to do paper work I felt a sudden urge to push... I told josh to press the button and get her back in the room, to which he replied 'your not pushing Louisa your waters haven't even broken' so I shouted GET HER IN HERE NOW I AM PUSHING, whilst taking a huge breath of gas and air (stuff is aammmaazing, I obv hadn't been drunk in 9 months and it took me straight back to after having a few too many pinots, I was actually on the phone to my Dad's GF saying "I'm out ma nutttttt" haha CHAV) ladies that have given birth and experienced your body just pushing you will know exactly what I mean... so with some stern words and a gab of his t-shirt Josh pushed the button and in she came and I shouted I'M PUSHING ,she didn't believe me herself so told me she was going to have a look at my 'downstairs bits' when I had my next contraction, contraction came and her head was in my bits (Honestly you do not care about your bits being out, I would have had 100 people come in and look if it meant my baby was going to come quicker) ... and I will never forget her saying 'OK we are having this baby NOW' I bloody knew it I thought to myself, but too worn out to 'point score' with Josh! She frantically got the 'equipment' ready to deliver and I carried on 'doing my thing' I really got in the zone and focused on my breathing and pushing, I surprised my self but if there is one tip I can give is just listen to your midwife and FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS on your breathing, I really believe this is how I done it on just gas and air, I don't have a high pain threshold At all but I bloody done it with no pain relief and am so proud! Now that's not to say that ladies who do have pain relief shouldn't be proud, but personally for me I am a huge wimp so it was a little personal achievement. 

Back to the contractions... I started the pushing, my waters still had not broke at this point, so Kerry continued to monitor The baby and his heart rate which was absolutely fine so she didn't want to play about and pop my waters incase it ended up causing him distress. After a little bit of pushing, my contractions stopped (I was rather out of it at this point on gas and air so have been told this bit by josh) but he said they stopped for a good few minutes and Josh and Kerry looked at each other and told me to give one HUGE push, so huge that where my legs where up on stirrups one of them collapsed (Go on muscles) I pushed with what I had left in me and shouted... 'HE's NOT GOING TO FIT OUT OF THERE' (Ring of fire moment, again, ladies who have given birth understand this) my waters still hadn't broke... Freddie Wills Robinson was born On Mothers Day in his sac on (1 in 80,000 my waters never broke) at 18.52 weighing 7lb 3oz. Labour day truly was an AMAZING experience, of course it was painful but my little man is worth every second of pain and I can hand on heart say I'd do it all again tomorrow!

I cant wait to share my life as a Mummy with everyone who reads my posts!!