Saturday, 3 September 2016

New Chapters...

Oh look another post beginning with an apology...sorry! I've FINALLY gotten round to getting my laptop fixed... only taken about 8 months! You know what its like, I always think "I'll do that at the weekend" then something gets in the way and i's not cheap to get fixed either which is annoying when it was brand new. ANYWAY... it's done and I'm back and will be blogging on the regular pinky promise.

SO.. ALOT has happened since I last posted, I've been on holiday, weekends away, me and Josh have moved in together ANDDDDD we have little baby Robinson growing nicely, due March 2017!! Everything just seems to be falling into place perfectly and I couldn't be more happy and content right now, apart from the good old pregnancy symptoms which leave me feeling like I've got a constant hangover with out even so much as a sniff of alcohol! So I'm praying the rumours of feeling better in the second trimester are true because I am quite frankly really struggling, I swear I went two of the so far 3 months with my make up collection gathering dust because I had ZERO energy to even put any on!!!

So I hope everyone's well and loving life!! I'm going to wrap up this up with a few pictures of our beautiful new place and a scouts honour to promise to post every week now!

HAPPY WEEKEND............